Monday, June 8, 2015

My Biggest Bully

The world is cruel
People have been real mean to me
Horrible I might say

Still in the end
I am my biggest bully

I struggle to come to terms with it
It is true though

Everything people told me, the way they treated me
I learned from it 
In a very, very bad way

I became them

I told myself I could not do it because I am different
I told myself I that I am not depressed but rather a lazy piece of shit
I told myself that I am as worthless as they say

Every time depression tightened it's grasp and I had no one to turn to but myself
A part of me turned into this bully telling me
To suck it up because I am a weak whiny bitch and I got nothing cry over since it's all my fault anyway

I am already struggling with depression
Why is there this part of me bringing me down even more?

At night when I wake up and feel the fear and panic creeping up on me
I catch myself doing it again
Telling myself : Shhhh shut up. Not now. I don't wanna hear about it. Man up now you little sissy!
It's like putting an accelerant on my already raging flames of hell

I need to be good to myself
I am the only constant in my life
I am the only one who will always be there
I cannot treat myself so poorly
or it will get worse

And I have already been there

So I try to remind myself
that I am worthy
I am a good person
I am likable
and I deserve to be treated well 

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