Sunday, November 16, 2014

Apocalypse Con/LARP

So this already happened over a month ago.
I didn't even have the money for it but I was so horribly down that week. No amount of antidepressants could keep me from freaking out, crying and freaking out some more. I actually feel sick to my stomach when I think back how I felt. 
So anyways, I raided a bit from my savings account and borrowed most of my costume from a friend's wife and had enough distractions for the whole weekend.

It was so worth it! And I really felt better afterwards.  

(Except I had the flu for a week afterwards xD)

The story was set in a postapocalyptic world full of radiation. 
A tribe of gypsies lived there. Lot's of mutated rats, frogs and penguins. 
I actually didn't get much on the plot, I think none of us really did. We went there as NPC's and mostly just enjoyed the scenery and shenanigans. 
Here a few more so ya'll can get a feel for it :D

Saturday, November 15, 2014

This is ehh was Halloween

Oh Halloween
Favourite day of the year

So halloween. Nothing expensive this year. 
I built a little something for the kids in the frontyard.
The parts of my costume I mostly already owned. Just got some contacts and a large piece of lace a hood something.
After scaring some kids we went to ehm supposedly Europe's biggest halloween party and a party at a friends workplace, which was pretty awesome also.

We'll have to be more creative with our costumes next year :) 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Moved and other shit.

Moved next to the Bodensee again! Ah like 1.5 months ago.
Have I been stressed out? Semi.
Lot's of stuff needs to be done. And now that I have less money and have to pay rent, it doesn't get easier. I barely get enough paid for my internship/bachelor thesis to cover rent, food, phone and gas. Well actually it doesn't even cover that and I already have the cheapest room I could find.
My laptop is making moves on breaking on me. I really hope it doesn't.
I have an IPod laying around somewhere that I stopped using when I got my phone 2 years ago. So I am gonna sell that and size down on whatever else I own and try to sell that too.
Totally hope that that will somehow get me through this semester and I can get a better paid job for my next and hopefully last semester until I graduate and am able to get an actual job.

I don't have any student loans or other support. I used to get an allowance from my dad, but well let's just say that spendings on the kids are not equal in this family, so I had to cut back for someone else's luxury. That's a whole story by itself. But someone bought an apartment for someone else and the first someone has to pay the money back to the third someone he borrowed it from and that's why I don't get an allowance no more.
But at least I don't have any debts yet. Which actually makes me really really happy.

 Ah shit. I hate complaining like that. But lately every thought I had was something along the lines of how am I paying for this, can I afford that. I need Photoshop and Illustrator for a class, got no money for it. And I constantly keep cancelling on my friends cuz I don't have enough to come home for the weekend or the activity that is planned.