Sunday, November 16, 2014

Apocalypse Con/LARP

So this already happened over a month ago.
I didn't even have the money for it but I was so horribly down that week. No amount of antidepressants could keep me from freaking out, crying and freaking out some more. I actually feel sick to my stomach when I think back how I felt. 
So anyways, I raided a bit from my savings account and borrowed most of my costume from a friend's wife and had enough distractions for the whole weekend.

It was so worth it! And I really felt better afterwards.  

(Except I had the flu for a week afterwards xD)

The story was set in a postapocalyptic world full of radiation. 
A tribe of gypsies lived there. Lot's of mutated rats, frogs and penguins. 
I actually didn't get much on the plot, I think none of us really did. We went there as NPC's and mostly just enjoyed the scenery and shenanigans. 
Here a few more so ya'll can get a feel for it :D

1 comment:

  1. Temmi! Ich wusste gar nicht dass du auch bloggst! Es war schön bissl was von dir zu lesen :)
    Ich hoffe es geht dir gut - ich muss mir wirklich mehr mühe machen in Kontakt zu bleiben! Hoffentlich sieht man sich in der nahen Zukunft. Ich habe oft TOTAL heimweih und hoffe dass ich es finanziell und organizatorisch bald schaffe besuchen zu kommen!
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus Texas!! ;)
