Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Plastic Surgery Story

So I always was made fun of for my crocked nose. I hated it. I did. 
I broke it in 5th grade playing basketball. Before that it was probably ok, but I don't really remember. It turned all blue and green. Grandma wanted to make me go to a doctor but I refused.
Anyways I always wished for the bump on my nose to disappear. 
Later I broke it again at a concert. I was 16 at that time. Didn't really notice that too much in the beginning cuz 2 days later I got my wisdom teeth removed and took painkillers for a week. After I stopped taking them I was like shit my nose still hurts.

At that time I had already started doing weird things to cover it up. Like if I would see someone I thought was cute I would kinda hold my hand over my nose pretending I was in deep thoughts or something. I would also try to always face people directly so they would see my nose from the side. That was when you could really tell I had broken it.

I basically looked like a witch and the other kids would let me know that all the time. I was bullied for my nose in 5 schools in 3 different countries. It made me really really self conscious and I did not have much confidence before I broke it the first time. 

Oh and what better thing could happen than breaking it again? Yes, I broke it again.

This time is was worse. While training for larp I got hit by an arrow from the side and I just felt my whole nose shift to the right. I fell down bleeding and crying. I cried not because of the pain, breaking a nose does'nt hurt all that much, but because I knew I would now look even worse. I took it really hard. 

So I had 2 surgeries to fix it. The first one they just popped it right back in where it belonged. But two days later I accidently hit myself in the face while turning myself around in the sleeping bag. Totally my fault should not have gone to a larp that soon after. It ended up looking worse than ever. I hated it. SO MUCH.

A few month later I went to a plastic surgeon to see if I could get it fixed. Luckily my breathing also got affected by the right shifting of my nose, so my insurance covered the surgery and I only had to pay 500 extra for the bump being shaved off.

I was furious about my friend breaking my nose and being a douche about it too,
but that was my chance for my nose to finally look nice again.

The second surgery, the big surgery was painful. Recovery was a bitch. Couldn't breathe through my nose for over 2 weeks and I looked like I just lost a boxing match. Also it didn't feel right for over a year.  Even now 2 years later it feels a little weird when the sun shines on it.


It doesn't look perfect. But it finally is straight. 
All my weird behaviour just stopped. I no longer get bullied for it. I no longer look in the mirrow and hate myself.

I still have things about myself it don't like and I wanna get fixed. The nose was the worst though.

Sadly I don't have any before pictures because I never let anyone photograph me from the side. 

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