Friday, December 13, 2013

Little Projects

I Have a few minor projects going on. This is the outcome so far:

My first "project" was just repainting and decorating an old box my sister and I used to store our craft stuff in. Now I store all my sewing supplies in it and I think it also quite easy on the eye :D

Uh yeah and I am super proud of this one. I took my SuperDrive out and put it a case and replaced it with a SSD. I hardly ever use the SuperDrive and if I really need to well I still can :D
This project is not finished though. There is more yet to come.


At least I kept myself busy the past days. Now that I think of it there is one more thing I wanna share with the world. I ain't a good example  but here it goes:

A professor showed this to us the other day. I think it is insanely funny but woos so creepy.

What I actually wanted to say was xD ok let's be serious for a moment. I am sick but even though the past days have been really good. I see light again and motivation. I stopped taking Mirtazapin. I still take Fluexetin and Opipromol. I have reagular therapy appointments starting next week and an end is not yet on the horizon. But it looks like I finally get "back on track".

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